How To Improve Your Google Rankings

Restore Google Rankings

You need to understand which algorithm has penalized your website if you are going to fix it. The Penguin algorithm which measures backlink spam was launched on April 24th 2012 and a traffic drop on that day is the best indication that Google’s Penguin algorithm is the cause of your ranking penalty. If you see a drop in traffic on or around that date, then your linking profile is the cause.

The keywords that dominate your anchor text are the ones usually hit the hardest by Penguin. is a free tool that allows you to see your current back-links and the keyword anchor text being used.

Linking Profile

Back-link anchor text density requirements dropped overnight and today you need the maximum for any keyword to be 5% or lower. The majority of your back-links should use either Brand, URL or junk text in the link.

Your website name or business name is a Brand link. Use a variety of different styles of your URL for your web address links.

Getting links from various IP addresses is really important for your back-linking strategy. Links on content related sites will help your search engine rankings even more than unrelated sites. Look for sites with a good trust score and don’t ask for or try to build links on low trust score domains.

Google’s Penguin algorithm loves to see that your back-link pages have back-links themselves. If they don’t have any links then they are classified as ‘orphan pages’ which rank much lower and pass much less ‘trust juice’ to your page. Get your backlink profile analysed and find out how to improve it at SEO³ Hitchin Optimization Consultants and you will soon start to see increases in your rankings & organic traffic.

Link Networks

Automated link networks might seem like a good option at the time but the usually only produce poor quality spam links and ultimately Google will discover the network, devalue it and penalise the sites it finds within it.

If you have previously used an optimization firm for link-building your site may very well be at risk of future penalisation if and when Google locate the linking network used.

On Page Optimisation

Your most important keyword or phrase keyword density on each page ought not exceed 2 -3%. A good way to raise the ‘quality’ of your own web site is to link out to ‘authority’ sites from your content. .gov and .edu sites are considered good reliable sites to link to.

Your Web Content

The only content that you should present on your site must be unique, good quality and well written. Google Panda likes to see contextual linking from related keywords and phrases within your content to other pages of your website, or to authority domain content pages.

Your site also needs to be mobile friendly, which actually means that you need a fully responsive design that automatically adapts to fit perfectly on any screen size being used. Get a quote for a new responsive design from cheap phone friendly web designers and you will be seen by more potential customers on more devices.

Use of Images and Photo’s

Separate any large blocks of text that you have on your pages with suitable photo’s. You can also use videos to increase the time that people spend on your website. Make sure that you use the image alt text attribute to include a variety of keyword rich descriptions of each image.

Deeho SEO

Vary the keywords and phrases used. All images on your pages should have alt text that describes the image using different keyword variations for each image.

Spell checking is extremely important and you ought to get in the habit of double-checking everything you write so that it is all of the best possible quality. Always write as much or little as you need to in order to get your message across.

Having said that, our evidence as documented on is that above 500 words, your site content will have extra weight in search and add to the value of your search engine marketing efforts.

Google, Bing and Yahoo like content that real people like, so write your content so that your website visitors enjoy consuming what you write. Google will reward you when they can see real visitors engaging with your site. Ask to make it happen for you.

When Google reads your content it uses a process called latent semantic indexing to relate keywords together. This means that rather than keep repeating your main keywords repeatedly, you should try to use alternative words for the same thing as this will feel more ‘natural’ and help your rankings.

Meta Data Tags

You should add bespoke meta data tags to every page of your site. If pages have the same meta-tags on several pages you will then be penalised in SERP’s. Google compares the click through rate from the search results to your site pages. Compelling meta description tags will boost your click through rates and your user engagement score

Engagement Metrics

Slow loading websites rank lower in Google. Ensure that your site pages load quickly for top rankings. Bounce rate is a measure of the percentage of your visitors that click the back button rather than engaging with your content. You need a bounce rate of 55% or less to rank well in Google. Higher bounce rates will incur a ranking penalty.

Pages Viewed per Visit

The more content pages that each visitor looks at, the better your website content is considered to be, so you will rise in the rankings. The length of time visitors spend reading your content is a good indication of the quality of your content. Increasing the average time on site will help your rankings.

If you are struggling to rank well and need to understand SEO and how to rank well in Google, take an seo training course and learn everything you need to know at and never get left behind by future search changes in the future.

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